Monday, September 28, 2009

Shed Construction Day

And so it begins....

The pile of pieces and parts on the back of the truck can't really become a big shed can it?

These guys are like the brain surgeons of backyard storage construction. They are all business! Not an ounce of humor in them. :D All kidding aside, they were thoroughly professional and know their trade very well. They worked as a team quickly and efficiently. There was a perfect amount of good-natured ribbing between them that made it rather funny to hang around and watch.

In the above picutre, you can also see their floor joist methodology. Rather than treated lumber base joists, they use galvanized steel. Combined with the drainage of the gravel pad, I think this will work well.

End Walls up and front wall going in. All told, it took them 2 hours to get the rails down and leveled, floor decking in and screwed down, all 4 walls stood up, and the door header installed. I was impressed to say the least.

In less 7 hours, it was all done. Here is the front view.

Here is a view from the right side so you can get a better look at the overhang. I'll add some framing around this area for firewood storage. The overhang is 2ft so it will cover regular 16inch cut firewood. I'm guessing I can store at least 1.5 cords here.

There was another event today, but I didn't get pictures. It was dark and rainy by the time we got back to the ranch. You'll just have to check-in tomorrow to see what that one is. :D

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